I help leaders excel with

As a leader, do you recognize the limitations of old style leadership and seek smarter, more effective ways to create success and impact ?

Let me help you find the way.

I’m Sylvia Rohde-Liebenau, and my mission is to guide leaders away from the entrenched paths of traditional leadership towards SMART Power.

In a world where change is the only constant, the old paradigms of leadership—rooted in hierarchy, command, and control—no longer yield the results they once promised. With SMART Power, I propose a different approach: one that allows you to use dynamic strategies of systems thinking, collaboration, and the full spectrum of human intelligence to tackle the complex challenges while navigating today’s fast-paced world.

SMART Power marks a paradigm shift in leadership, moving from outdated, rigid power structures to fluid, innovative strategies that enable leaders to navigate complexity with ease.

This transformative approach unlocks the collective potential of all, leveraging empowerment and innovation as the foundations for success.

Is SMART Power for you?

You are a Systems Leader

You stand at the forefront of a billion-dollar organization, keenly aware that the path to future market success involves more than just adaptation—it requires a transformative approach that is both prosperous for your company and healthy for the planet and its employees. You understand that to effect this change, you cannot rely on outdated power structures. You need SMART Power—a strategy that ensures these old ways are navigated without igniting opposition. You seek a method that unites your corporation, moving everyone smoothly towards a shared vision free of friction or power struggles.

You Are a Visionary Leader

You are full of transformative ideas, capable of launching new movements and creating new industries. You see immense potential and possess bold visions for the future, yet seek to amplify your personal power and more vividly voice your innovative plans. Time is of the essence; traditional educational routes or prolonged strategies are not options for you. You need SMART Power—efficient, effective tools and strategies that provide instant results, offering you the clear, actionable insights necessary to harness your resources today and realize your ambitious dreams with precision and impact.

You are an Entrepreneurial Innovator

You have built a personal brand and a large business from the ground up, but you find yourself struggling to delegate effectively, and constantly overextended. Despite your success, you sense that your reliance on old power dynamics won't fuel your next leap forward. Enter SMART Power: a fresh strategic framework designed to expand your impact and reach, without the personal cost of overextension. It promises a system through which your business can achieve sustained success, empowering you to leverage collective strengths and truly scale your influence.

SMART Power is a transformative strategy that enhances capabilities and success across all levels of your organisation.

How does it do so?

It allows you to shift away from outdated and unwieldy power dynamics and replace them with a more agile, collaborative and resourceful leadership.

The tools of SMART Power help you and your organisation become more capable of tackling the challenges of today’s complex and uncertain economic and political environment, and create real impact, with more ease.

Are you harnessing SMART Power?

Learn about the 5 Pillars of SMART Power, guiding you to a more influential and dynamic leadership style.