1-1 Coaching
With Dr. Sylvia Rohde-Liebenau
As a leader, you want to succeed in today’s complex and fast moving world
Leadership can be lonely - you’re at the top of the ladder and have nobody to confide in
You want to move beyond “high performance” and create real impact
You are looking for true mastery, ease, and fulfilment
You want to invest in your leadership, and you want to do so on your schedule, having the dedicated attention of your coach, to work on your goals
If this is you, my four individual SMART©Power Programmes are the right choice for you:
1) The elective 1-1 programme in which you can choose to focus on one of the 5 pillars of SMART©Power. The entry to it is the SMART©Power Scorecard, which you can do right now on this website. It’s free and comes with no strings attached.
2) The VIP programme, working on all 5 pillars of SMART©power i.e. the full range of your leadership mastery, tailored to your unique needs and challenges.
3) Identity work: here, we zoom in on the core of your authentic personal power and leadership mastery. It’s a 6 sessions programme, in which I coach you to create the fierce inner clarity that will transform your life and leadership.
4) In Space to Think, you book me for one session, to focus on a specific topic or challenge. You define the agenda, and we dive deep to expand your leadership mastery and impact while tackling the topic at hand.
SMART Power - Choose your own module: The elective 1-1 programme
You are short of time and you know exactly the areas of your leadership you want to strengthen further? Then my elective 1-1 coaching programme might be perfect for you!
In this powerful individual coaching programme, you get to zoom right in on one of the 5 pillars of SMART Power - the one that is most important for you. For 5 weeks, you have my dedicated attention and support to broaden your understanding, your skills set and tools that will make the biggest difference for your leadership strength.
Select your module:
Transformational power:
Define and refine your leadership identity, purpose, values and beliefs as the bedrock of your leadership, and build your rock-solid leadership strategy on this foundation.
Authentic Personal Power:
Strengthen your EQ muscles by deepening your understanding of yourself and others, receiving new insights and tools for managing your energy, building your leadership presence and honing your communication skills.
Relational Power:
Boost your capacity to build powerful relationships, by understanding and learning to apply their three key ingredients - connection, trust and authenticity.
Merging Power
This module is about your ability to bring different parties together to create more than any one would achieve by itself. It is a crucial power to succeed in complexity, and critical for most organisations and multi-stakeholder settings today.
Systemic Power
Grow your Systemic Power by sharpening your ability in “systems thinking” and applying it into the real life situations, challenges and conflicts you are facing in your leadership practice.
SMART Power VIP programme
Once a year, I offer the opportunity for one single leader to be led by me through their own tailored SMART Power process toward the goal of expanding the full range of their leadership mastery.
This dedicated SMART Power programme spans 12 weeks. As my individual SMART Power client, you have my full attention and support for this period. We will use your SMART Power assessment to build a targeted programme for you - focusing on the questions, skills and areas of leadership mastery that are most critical for you, and that will help you excel in your leadership. You will define and learn to embody a SMART Power strategy that is fully yours and that will help you succeed with the specific challenges of your organisation.
In addition to our regular coaching sessions, you will be able to rely on my ongoing support throughout the programme. This goes far beyond coaching as you may know it. It is a process of supporting your personal growth as a leader and human being, giving your leadership a rock solid foundation and clarity, of challenging your thinking and habits, expanding your resourcefulness, as well as of creative sparring and strategic thinking partnership.
If this could be for you, book an appointment for a personal conversation with me.
Space to Think
Regularly clients approach me with a specific goal around which they are seeking support, or they are simply looking for a sparring partner, a space to think, to be challenged, to recharge, to grow or to expand their leadership mastery and impact.
If this is you, get in touch for a conversation with me, and together we will create your tailored programme.