Here’s how SMART Power solutions help to overcome Old Power dynamics and pain points:

Old Power Dynamics

and Pain Points

Focus on Force and Control:

Relying on authority and control to achieve objectives, leading to resistance and lack of genuine engagement.

Short-term Gains and Self-Interest:

Prioritizing immediate results over long-term sustainability, often at the expense of broader, collective goals.

Siloed Thinking:

Operating within tight departmental confines, hindering collaboration and innovation across the organization.

Reduced Power through Low Team Cohesion and Effectiveness:

Difficulty in fostering a unified, effective team capable of high performance and innovation.

Prioritizing Structures and Processes:

Sticking with traditional methods that are ill-adapted to today’s complex and volatile world.

Pursuit of Status and Influence:

Seeking authority and recognition within the existing power structures, leading to reduced fulfilment and leadership authority.

Focus on Problems and Obstacles:

Main attention on avoiding risks and maintaining one’s position in the system and protecting the status quo.

Feeling Stuck in "The Game":

Adapting to conventional tactics for advancement, which can be exhausting and counterproductive.

Old Power tools:

Applying confrontational and win-lose approaches that are not adapted to navigating modern complexity and volatility.

Transactional Focus:

Struggling to create significant change or achieve desired impact due to the old power model’s focus on transactional results.

Smart Power Solutions



Guided by a clear purpose, setting clear intentions to inspire and motivate towards common goals without the need for force.

Systems Thinking:

Encouraging a holistic view that considers long-term effects and collective benefits, promoting sustainable success.

Merging Power:

Embracing shared control to foster better outcomes through collaboration and cross-functional synergy.

Leadership Power Expansion:

Ability to communicate powerful visions, build cohesive teams, and create spaces for collaboration and innovation, enabling high-performance.

Relational Power:

Building trust-based relationships that encourage openness to new ideas and pathways, enhancing adaptability and innovation.

Integrity / Personal Power:

Aligning actions and communications with one's values and purpose, leading effectively and authentically without solely seeking recognition.

Possibilist Outlook – enabling Transformation:

Seeing beyond problems to envision and act on possibilities, transforming visionary ideas into achievable realities.

Exuberance Management:

Focusing on managing personal energy, building resilience, and working with greater ease to maintain momentum and drive change.

Agile Power Tools:

Using tools and practices that favour openness, collaboration and systems thinking and are tailored to navigate today’s challenges.

Legacy Focus:

Anchoring efforts in a purposeful legacy, building meaningful impact through one’s work and life, beyond transactional achievements.

Understand your leadership strength on the 5 dimensions of SMART POWER: